
This page was last edited on 29 December 2024.

Welcome to computerexplained.com (CE). The goal of this website is to make certain topics from computer science and applied computational theory accessible to smart and curious people, like you!

Computers can be confusing, and we want to change that. We believe it is absolutely possible for anyone with a little bit of curiosity to gain a high level understanding of what makes computers possible.

With CE, you don’t need a university degree to know what is the difference between a firewall and an antivirus, or why you are supposed to clear the cache when a web browser acts weird.

More importantly, CE is being built to help people understand certain ideas that may seem “obvious in retrospect”. These ideas act as a cognitive linchpin ideas that makes the world of computers “just click” together. We consider this to be the raison detre of CE, i.e. the core reason for the website to exist in the first place. Otherwise there are plenty of sites explaining basic to advanced concepts and terminology, even WikiPedia does a fair job of it most of the time!

Our motto is to give a glimpse into the various corners of the world of computers, and we think everyone will find something interesting regardless of their skill or experience level. We hope you enjoy reading our content as much as we enjoy writing it.

If you have a suggestion, comment or criticism, please reach out! Our email address is admin {at} computerexplained [dot] com

AI and content policy

We live in the age of AI generated content, and every reader should question whether the words they are reading comes from a human mind or an artificial intelligence model. Here is the official policy of computerexplained.com in this matter, without endorsing or condemning the use of AI generated content as a whole:

The content you will find on computerexplained.com is written manually, with inputs from AI models for idea generation. Unless otherwise specified, it is written by Sohhom (see below). In many cases, the articles start out as a single line of inspiration in a Google Keep note, or from a series of tweets or reddit comments, that coalesce into just the right structure. This “seed” article then goes through an extensive brainstorming and information gathering process, aided by AI tools including but not limited to ChatGPT, to flesh it out. Final decision regarding length, structure and amount of external links are taken, and then it sits in drafts for days/weeks. Finally it is reviewed and published after error checking.

Author bio

This website is owned, written, and edited by Sohhom Bandyopadhyay.

I finished my PhD in Cognitive Science in 2022, and worked as an AI researcher at an EdTech company from 2022 to 2024. I love to think about the phenomena happening at the intersection of human mind and technology. Prior to the PhD, I did a Masters in Cognitive Science and a Bachelors in Computer Science. Please see https://read.cv/sohhom for an up-to-date summary of my work.

In an effort to learn how to write better and explain complex topics, I created computerexplained.com in 2023. For my thoughts on philosophy, entailment and other semi-obscure topics, see https://thatgoeswithoutsaying.com/.

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