Computer Science vs. Computer Engineering

This post was written entirely by ChatGPT The fields of Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering (CE) are foundational to the technological world, each playing a crucial role in the advancements and innovations that define our digital age. While intertwined and often overlapping, these disciplines diverge in their core philosophies, methodologies, and applications. This article explores the distinctions between CS and CE, tracing their evolution from the past to the present, and projecting future trends, Read more…

What is JSON and why is it so popular?

JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data interchange format used for storing and exchanging data between a server and a client, or between different parts of an application. JSON is widely recognized as a popular data storage and transfer mechanism on the web, and its significance in modern software development cannot be overstated. In this article, we shall look at some of the key features of JSON and highlight the use-cases that Read more…

Composability – A Secret Sauce For Computers

(26 January 2024) This post is incomplete, please check back later for the finished version. Composability is the term used to describe a principle that allows a lot of magic to happen. How? We shall take a look in this article. By the end of it, we hope that you will have a good grasp on the meaning of the principle. More importantly, we will try to provide an outline on how it relates to Read more…

How to use LeetCode without melting your brain

For those of you who are preparing for the so called “technical interviews” at any kind of coding position, LeetCode is probably your bread and butter. For the rest of the blissfully unaware folks, LeetCode (often abbreviated as LC) is a platform where people go to torment their brain … I mean to improve their programming skills. LC is especially famous for improving the so called Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) skills. What is DSA Read more…

Python Availability In Excel – A New Era Of Data Analysis

Microsoft announced on August 22, 2023 that Excel will support Python functions. What does it mean for you, a data wrangler? Let’s find out what the official docs say and how other people have reacted. Microsoft Excel needs no introduction to anyone who has used tabular data. Spreadsheets were introduced was (and continues to be) the workhorse of data storage, manipulation and behind businesses at all levels. Python, along with the scientific computing packages NumPy, Read more…

Future of technology with artificial intelligence: what did experts say in 2022 and 2023?

This page is a collection of recent videos on the significant advances in artificial intelligence. These advances are actually did not happen overnight. However, since the release of Stable Diffusion in August 2022 and ChatGPT in November 2022, there seems to be an ongoing race to release new AI/ML based products for various purposes. Between the giant tech companies such as Microsoft, Google and Meta, and new contenders such as OpenAI, Cohere and Anthropic, we Read more…

So You Want To Land a Developer Relations Role

Ever read some technical documentation that leaves you scratching your head? Or the opposite — admire the friction-less experience of using a new tool or library? In both cases, you probably had some DevRel professionals to blame/thank for that! Developer Relations, often abbreviated as DevRel, is a discipline which exists to make it easy for a company to communicate to its users, when those users are actually programmers i.e. developers. Unlike normal sales roles, this Read more…

Introduction to Main Memory a.k.a RAM

The incredible speed, precision, and functionality in our everyday digital devices can be primarily attributed to two essential components: the processor and the functioning of ‘Main Memory’ also known as Random Access Memory (RAM). In this article we look at this key aspect of our computers, whether laptop or desktop, to gain a more profound comprehension of what goes under their device’s enclosure. The main memory is the heart of your laptop or desktop’s performance Read more…

Brief introdution to SQL

Structured Query Language (SQL) is an essential skill for data scientists. It allows them to interact with and manipulate large datasets stored in relational databases. Proficiency in SQL can help data scientists to clean, transform, and analyze data, enabling them to draw insights from the data they work with effectively. In this article, we will examine SQL’s essential features and provide examples of how they can be used for data manipulation in a data science Read more…

A Quick Introduction to DNS

Introduction to DNS DNS, or the Domain Name System, might sound highly technical, but its essence is easy to understand. Remember the process of trying to navigate to a new destination — you would plug the address into your trusty GPS device and voilà, turn by turn, it would direct you to your destination. DNS achieves something similar, albeit within the realm of internet communication. If you have ever wondered how your device knows which Read more…